Maximising Deductions for SBE Taxpayers: Accelerating Expenditure
Date posted: Sunday, July 7, 2013
Over the last couple of weeks we’ve looked at non-SBE (non-small business entity) taxpayers and how they can maximise deductions. Now let’s take a look at how SBE taxpayers can do the same thing.
There are two ways in which SBE taxpayers can maximise deductions, one is by accelerating expenditure and the other is by prepaying deductible business expenses. This week we’re going to focus on accelerated expenditure.
So what is accelerating expenditure?
It’s where SBE taxpayers can choose to write-off depreciable assets that cost less than $6,500 in the year of purchase. Also assets costing $6,500 or more can be depreciated at 15% (which is half the full rate of 30%) in their first year.
If your business chooses to use the SBE depreciation rule it is effectively ‘locked in’ to using this rule for all depreciable assets.
Accelerating expenditure can be a little confusing and tricky. If you have any questions call us on (03) 5940 1836 and make a booking with one of the Pakenham Taxation + Accounting experts who can help you with all your tax, finance and accounting needs.

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Maximising Deductions for Non-SBE Taxpayers: Accrued Expenditure
Date posted: Sunday, June 23, 2013
Our last topic for non-SBE (non-small business entity) taxpayers is accrued expenditure.
So what is accrued expenditure?
Accrued expenditure is expenses incurred during the current financial year. Non-SBE taxpayers (and some SBE taxpayers) are entitled to a deduction of expenses incurred during the current financial year, even if they have not yet been paid.
So what are some expenses that may be accrued?
- Salary/wages and bonuses – the accrued expenses for the days that employees have worked but not been paid as of June 30
- Interest – any accrued interest outstanding on a business loan that has not been paid as of June 30
- Commercial bills – the discount applicable to the period up to June 30, where the term of the bill extends past June 30
- Fringe benefits tax – if any FBT instalments is due in the June quarter, but is not payable until July, it can be accrued and claimed as a tax deduction in the 2013 income year
- Director’s fees – a non-SBE taxpayer can claim a tax deduction where the company has a definitive commitment to pay a director’s fee during the current financial year.
To find out exactly what your business can claim contact Pakenham Taxation + Accounting on (03) 5940 1836 and make a booking with one of our experts today.
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Maximising Deductions for Non-SBE Taxpayers: Accelerating Expenditure
Date posted: Sunday, June 23, 2013
So what is accelerated expenditure?
Accelearting expenditure is where a business taxpayer brings forward the expenditure on regular, on-going deductible items. Business taxpayers are generally entitled to deductions on an incurred basis. Because of this there is generally no requirment for the expense to be paid by June 30. As long as the expnse has genuinely been incurred, it will generally be deductible.
Below is a list of items, which are possible for accelerated expenditure:
- Depreciating assets costing $100 or less can be written off in the year of purchase.
- Depreciating assets costing less than $1,000. These can be allocated to a low value pool and depreciate at 18.75% (which is half of the full rate)
- Repairs to office premises, equipment, cars or other business items
- Consumables and spare parts
- Client gifts
- Donations
- Advertising
- Fringe benefits
- Superannuation
Again we completely understand this may still be a little confusing. So if you have any question give Pakenham Taxation + Accounting a call on (03) 5940 1836 and make a book with one of our experts today.

Sign up with Pakenham Taxation + Accounting to receive tips on how to better manage your personal and business tax.
End of Financial Year: Prepayment Strategies For Non-SBE
Date posted: Sunday, June 9, 2013
We’re now in the month of June, which can only mean one thing… the end of the financial year. For many businesses and individuals this can be a very confusing time with questions like; what can I claim on tax. And, how can my business maximise deductions? At Pakenham Taxation + Accounting we like to help reduce these stresses, so over the next few weeks we’re going to post some tips, tricks and information all relating to the end of the financial year.
To kick things off we’re going to look at how non-SBE (non-small business entities) taxpayers can maximise deductions, firstly through prepayment strategies.
So what does a prepayment strategy include?
A prepayment strategy includes any part of an expense prepayment relating to the period up to the 30th June and is generally deductible in full.
In addition, non-SBE taxpayers may generally claim the following prepayments in full:
- Expenditure under $1,000
- Salary and wages
- Expenditure required to be incurred under law.
But just wait, before you go jumping the gun you should know that prepayments can be a little confusing, so before you commit to making a payment please feel free to call the Pakenham Taxation + Accounting team to help you out with all your queries. There’s no silly questions when it comes to tax.
Sign up with Pakenham Taxation + Accounting to receive tips on how to better manage your personal and business tax.
Get Pakenham Taxation to Track Your Lost Super
Date posted: Thursday, May 23, 2013
Here is a little fun fact for you all. Did you know that there is $17 billion in lost or unclaimed super in Australia? Are you one of many Aussies who has no clue where your super is? There could be money out there that belongs to you and you don’t even realise it. At Pakenham Taxation + Accounting we’re happy to help you track it down and we know how. So if you think you’re one of those people who has lost or unclaimed superannuation, then give a holler and we’ll get our Sherlock Holmes on.
Sign up with Pakenham Taxation + Accounting to receive tips on how to better manage your personal and business tax.
How to Avoid Tax Crime
Date posted: Thursday, May 9, 2013
We’re often impressed by people’s creativity when it comes to attempting to reduce their tax fees. The ATO however, is not always entertained and some individuals and businesses who take a DIY tax reduction approach can find themselves in trouble with the law. A DIY approach to tax reduction can be disastrous and costly. There is no substitute for professional advice. No matter how good you are at making investment decisions, a superior level of taxation management expertise is recommended, as the consequences without can be costly. There are perfectly legal ways to reduce your tax and keep yourself and your business out of the tax-crime-woods. As Pakenham’s leading taxation management hub, we’re able to provide solutions in these basic tax strategy areas:
- Earn tax-free income
- Tax advantage of tax credits
- Defer taxes
- Maximise your tax deductions
- Reduce your tax rate
- Shift Income to others
- Take advantage of your tax exemptions
Be sure to give us a call to make an appointment, for more information on tax saving strategies.

Sign up with Pakenham Taxation + Accounting to receive tips on how to better manage your personal and business tax.
You Could Be Earning More with Super
Date posted: Thursday, April 25, 2013
Welcome to our very first post. Don’t expect to see us posting ‘selfies’, uploading our latest and greatest recipe find or contributing to the world of art.
We’ve got some exciting news! From July 2013, you can start benefiting from one of many improvements to your super savings thanks to The Australian Government (yey!). These improvements include; reducing unnecessary fees and charges, increasing retirement saving and helping to provide a more comfortable and secure retirement. All in all you could be earning an extra $500 on your super… and let’s be honest who doesn’t love extra cash!! Give us a call to find out more about how to make your super work harder for you, or read more about this super saving news here